How?? ~ The Knotty Problem

  What not who is the point. . . . as I’ve said.   Nothing else.  The point is to reclaim our government out of the hands of wealthy elites and the corporations they control.  So everything here aims to propel enough of us into actions that head that way.  It is a direct, non-violent approach to putting the citizenry in charge of government and creating a legacy those who follow deserve. 

     I am an old guy, reasonably healthy, willing and likely able to do what I say I’ll do: the New Hampshire primary, this website, and some ventures out onto the hustings.  I am not well-heeled, and, as you might guess, I will not solicit or accept cash donations.  I would be delighted to have other sorts of help in the New Hampshire primary.  

     Again, this nutty idea becomes an excellent idea as many others (you, for instance) step up and step forward. The whole notion here is a Megabucks ticket: Very long odds and a very big payoff. I sometimes do play the big money games, mostly foolish that. Maybe so here too; though my hopes are otherwise. Become a movement, the notion goes viral.  Not me, us.

Many of us are beaten down by circumstance, some are afflicted by things in and out of our control.  Many are warriors already, those pounding pavements to gather support for the causes they hold dear, those pleading for donations to do the work of making America what it ought to be, and those who take cheap wage to address the needs of those whose American dream is nightmare. We are all blessed with gifts, however small; and we all have power, if we will only muster it.       


1-  If nothing else, vote. 

2- Give voice. They say religion and politics ought be avoided in polite company. Well, there’s hardly any polite company out here, so let’s get at it. Donald Trump is not the only problem we face; it is error to think so. Speak to your family, to those you love, to those you like, even to those who discomfit you if you able.

3- Come to terms with your own privilege, where you have any. Make the necessary adjustments. Recognize that reparation can and must be done in a collected effort, that only a well-formed unity of We, the People can bear the costs and the work of addressing the issues of inequality, especially around the distribution of wealth. [Note: Against the rabid rhetoric of those who vilify socialists, note that any self-respecting socialist, at this point, will advocate strongly against any further redistribution of wealth,]

4- Where you are destitute or nearly so, where you are burdened with financial difficulty, where trauma or its lesser cousins leave you depleted of resources and energy, know that standing up at all gives you strength and that standing with others may take your breath away.

5- Be a Candidate:    50 candidates running in 50 primaries or caucuses, running on the What, which is money out of politics.   Get delegates to the convention and play our hand.  More rationale in the Announcement of Candidacy to be found on the ‘who’ page.


     a-  People stepping forth to be candidates are likely coming from a variety of places, backgrounds, perspectives, particularly as to how they would be willing to present themselves as a ‘candidate’.   

     b-  My own presentation and its tone are evident throughout this website.  The bulk of my own offerings will be delivered on the site.  I plan to add blog-ish sort of stuff as it comes.  I am reluctant to receive email communications, primarily because I will have little capacity to answer them.  And, my making heartfelt speeches out on the hustings will not be pretty.  I will make an effort to contribute to discussions out there in Ether-land; though  I am a 20th century man dragged kicking & screaming into the 21st.  Please bear with me.  I do see that I must make some adjustments.  Though, again, the only thing of any import here is that this disastrously dysfunctional “We, the People” organize ourselves to redirect all that we hold dear. 

     c-  Thinking of presentation, perhaps on a vague scale of simple to complex, one could:

  • Do no web stuff. Always say the same thing:  “Go talk to that guy at”  

  • Create one’s own site to present and create what you wish.

  • I own domain names (not .org which is this site) and whatnot

  • Do something more elaborate.  Not a clue here; you are apt to be far more knowledgeable than I am.

  • Go out on the hustings, etc.

  • Raise money.  Your choice.  

  • Others are welcome to make reference to this website.  Sharing access to the site itself might be dicey given possible trolling.   I am trying to figure that out.

     d-  One must investigate state primary and caucus law and entry requirements, . . . for obvious reasons.  I find what I need in New Hampshire via several google searches. I have also looked at qualification requirements for other states; generally info seems to be available thru secretaries of state.

4- Brow beat someone else into being a candidate.

5- Get me on your state ballot.

6- Do a write-in campaign for me. A vote for me is definitely a vote for the What; see Candidacy Announcement somewhere on the who page.